Republican National Committee Criticizes President’s Biden Weekend Trip to Delaware amid East Palestine Train Derailment Disaster

President Joe Biden departed the White House Friday en route to Delaware for the 66th time since taking office this weekend, which drew criticism from the Republican National Committee (RNC). According to the RNC, Biden has spent approximately 40 percent of his presidency “on vacation,” with this weekend marking his 306th, 307th, and 308th total vacation days. Of that 40 percent, the RNC noted that Biden has spent 55 of 110 weekends in Delaware.

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Gallagher Reintroduces Bill Demanding Biden Administration Declassify Docs on COVID and Wuhan Lab

In the wake of growing support for the idea that COVID-19 originated in a lab in China, U.S. Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI-08) is reintroducing a bill requiring the Biden administration to declassify intelligence related to links between the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the pandemic. 

Gallagher’s COVID-19 Origin Act of 2023 comes back as the U.S. Department of Energy concludes at least with some confidence that the COVID-19 pandemic most likely arose from a lab leak. The agency came to that conclusion based on a classified intelligence report provided to the White House and certain members of Congress.

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FBI Moved to Target Pro-Lifers Under New ‘Threat Tag,’ Agent Says

The FBI created a threat tag to target pro-life activists after the overturn of Roe v. Wade, according to whistleblower testimony obtained by Fox News.

Following the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization last June, the FBI created a threat tag label “THREATSTOSCOTUS2022,” FBI Special Agent Garret O’Boyle told the the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government during a Feb. 10 interview. O’Boyle said the tag initially seemed “legitimate” but later “shifted and began focusing in on pro-life adherence,” Fox reported.

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Number of Illegal Migrants Evading Arrest Exploded by 900 Percent Along Northern Border Region

The number of illegal migrants that are known to have evaded arrest in a busy sector of the northern border is surging, according to Sean Walsh, National Border Patrol Council President for the Swanton sector, who spoke with the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The sector saw approximately 100 known gotaways in the entirety of fiscal year 2022, but has seen roughly 900% more gotaways already between October 2022 and February 2023, Walsh, whose region covers parts of New York and Vermont, told the DCNF. Border agents in the sector have seen an 845% surge in migrant apprehensions, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data.

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Google Tries to Discredit Study Showing Google News’ Left-Wing Bias

Google News heavily skewed in favor of left-leaning media outlets—both in the news articles featured on its homepage and in the search results for specific topics—in five of the days leading up to the 2022 midterm elections, according to an AllSides study Google criticized as “deeply flawed” in comments to The Daily Signal.

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Commentary: America’s Breaking Point on Sanctuary Policies

As modern society races forward to embrace digital technology and global connectivity, some time-worn principles remain unchanged. The truth matters. Results matter. Some ideas can be made fashionable with ubiquitous propaganda, media campaigns, and focus group-tested language. But, if those ideas do not deliver on their promises and serve the public, then the public will eventually sour on them. 

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Biden DOJ Says President Trump Can Be Sued over January 6th Protests

On Thursday, government lawyers with the Department of Justice (DOJ) declared that former President Donald J. Trump can face civil lawsuits over the peaceful protests that took place at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, 2021.

The New York Post reports that the attorneys from the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division made this statement in a filing with a D.C. appeals court, claiming that President Trump cannot use legal immunity to shield himself from the lawsuits that have already been filed against him by two Capitol Police officers and 11 Democratic members of the House of Representatives. The determination by the DOJ would also leave him susceptible to further lawsuits of a similar nature.

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Music Spotlight: SACHA

One thing I have learned while writing my blog is that there is a lot more to Canadian country music than Shania Twain. The Canadians love their country music and have given us Tenille Arts and Tenille Towns, Lindsey Ell, Terri Clark, Brett Kissel, Manny Blu, Kimberly Dawn, Tebey, and country rocker, Cory Marks to name a few.

Therefore, When I heard Sacha sing at a writers’ round recently, I was not a bit surprised to find out that she was from Ontario, Canada. Now living in Nashville, I met up with her at CMT’s Next Women of Country and scheduled an interview.

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Walgreens Won’t Dispense Abortion Pills in Many States—Including Some Where They Are Legal

Walgreens decided on Thursday not to distribute abortion-inducing drugs in some states where they are legal following pushback on multiple fronts, according to Politico.

With continuously changing policies, warnings from state attorneys general and pressure from anti-abortion activists, this decision reflects an abundance of caution, according to Politico. Nearly two dozen state attorneys general signed onto a letter threatening legal action against Walgreens if they go forward with dispensing the drugs, which are now America’s most popular method to terminate pregnancies.

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Commentary: Amtrak Joe Fails on Rail Issues

The ongoing health and environmental disaster unfolding in East Palestine, OH is another example of abdicated leadership by the Biden Administration on critical issues facing America’s railways. Fumbled labor negotiations precipitating the near miss of a nationwide rail strike that would have brought the transport of 19.3 billion tons of annual goods to a standstill, on top of ongoing supply chain snarls which contribute to the freight rates spiking as much as 37% year over year are two such examples. All Americans are suffering the consequences of their failing choices. Leadership is desperately needed.

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Commentary: Monumental Disappointments in Our Public Spaces

Monuments and memorials by nature long have stood, quite literally, in the public square. But within a few short years, radicalized Americans have turned on these taciturn forebears like Moses on the golden calf.

The year 2020 witnessed great anguish on this subject among part of the U.S. population. Realizing that our nation was dotted with monuments commemorating sinful men rather than angels, it was imperative for these iconoclasts that the likenesses of bronze and marble be cast down from their pedestals.

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