Advocacy Group Says It Has Enough Signatures to Get Abortion Rights Measure on Ballot in Nevada

Caroline Mello Robertson
by Nicholas Ballasy


A vote on enshrining abortion rights into the Nevada Constitution might appear on the ballot in November.

The group Reproductive Freedom for All announced on Monday it had collected more than 200,000 signatures, which is well above the 102,000 needed before the June 26 deadline to qualify for adding the measure to the ballot.

“If we win that election with a simple majority of Nevadans voting that, yes, they want to put the right to abortion in our state Constitution, then it goes before voters again in 2026,” said Caroline Mello Roberson (pictured above), director of state campaigns for Reproductive Freedom for All. “Then voters have to decide whether or not they vote yes. If they vote yes [in 2026], then it becomes a part of our state Constitution.”

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Nicholas Ballasy is a senior correspondent for Just the News.
Photo “Caroline Mello Robertson” by Caroline Mello Robertson. Background photo “Nevada State Capitol” by Amadscientist



Reprinted with permission from Just the News.

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