Trump Tied with Biden in Battleground Wisconsin: Poll

Trump Biden Wisconsin

Former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden are locked in a tight race to claim Wisconsin, should both become their respective parties’ nominees in the 2024 White House race.

The pair earned 49% each in a recent Marquette Law School Poll of registered voters, when undecided respondents were asked to choose. Trump held a narrow edge of 50% to 49% among likely voters. Among independent registered voters, Biden led Trump 49% to 42%.

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Trump Trending Ahead of Biden in Key Battleground States and Nationwide, Polls Find

Former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden in a series of recent battleground state polls and national surveys, indicating his continued political resilience despite a summer of criminal indictments as voters remain lukewarm on the current administration.

Trump is ahead of Biden in key swing states by anywhere from 1 point to 9 points, and the former president is leading from 1 point to 10 points nationally, according to numerous recent surveys. Polling analysts argued to the Daily Caller News Foundation that the surveys appear to be trending in Trump’s favor, with some cautioning that it is still too early in the election season to be predictive.

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New Marquette Law School Poll Shows Trump Expanding His Lead, DeSantis Losing Ground

Former President Donald Trump increased his substantial lead over Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in the latest Marquette Law School Poll.

While DeSantis has seen his support erode among Republican voters, he again fares slightly better than Trump in a head-to-head match-up with President Joe Biden, according to the survey.

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Reince Priebus: Wisconsin Races Not as Close as They Seem

The slivers of information that Reince Priebus is seeing in Wisconsin has him expecting Republicans to win up and down the ballot.

Priebus, who used to lead both the Wisconsin Republican Party and the RNC, told Jay Weber on News Talk 1130 WISN Monday that data collected by both organizations show independent and undecided voters breaking for Republicans.

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Poll Shows Ron Johnson with a Close Lead in Wisconsin Senate Race

The mood seems to be changing in Wisconsin’s top two races this November, even as the numbers continue to show toss-ups.

The latest Marquette Law School Poll released yesterday gives Democratic Gov. Tony Evers and Republican U,S. Senator Ron Johnson slight leads in their races. Evers is up 47-44 on Republican Tim Michels, while Johnson is up 49-48 over Democrat Mandela Barnes.

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Gubernatorial Candidate Rebecca Kleefisch’s New Tax Plan Will Set Wisconsin on the Path to ‘Eliminating the Income Tax’

Rebecca Kleefisch can, and will, explain her tax plan in minute detail if you let her.

Wisconsin’s former Lt. Governor isn’t hiding her passion as she runs for governor on the Republican ticket this fall.

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School Choice Supporters Encouraged by Latest Marquette Poll on Vouchers

More parents in Wisconsin are getting behind the idea of school choice.

The latest Marquette Law School Poll shows 58% of voters in the state support the idea of ending limits on vouchers for private or religious schools. That would open up school choice to more than just low-income families in many parts of Wisconsin. The poll says 33% of voters oppose the idea.

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