Key House Chairman Intervenes in Bannon Case, Tells Supreme Court Democrat January 6 Contempt Was ‘Invalid’

The House subcommittee chairman investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot’s intelligence and security failures made an extraordinary intervention Wednesday at the Supreme Court, telling the justices he believes an earlier Democrat-led investigation into the tragedy was “factually and procedurally invalid” and therefore could not lawfully hold ex-Trump adviser Stephen Bannon in contempt.

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Senate Republicans to Block Border Deal, Putting Ukraine in Limbo

Crowd of immigrants

Senate Republicans will block a procedural motion this week to start debating a bipartisan border security deal following intense opposition to the legislation from the House GOP and former President Donald Trump. 

The bill includes more than $60 billion in security assistance for Ukraine, and the move leaves funding for the war-torn nation in limbo, according to The Hill. 

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House GOP Sets Date for Markup of Mayorkas Impeachment Articles

Alejandro Mayorkas

The House Homeland Security Committee will begin marking up impeachment articles against Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Tuesday.

The markup process will focus on Mayorkas’ alleged “high crimes and misdemeanors,” the committee announced Wednesday in a statement shared with the DCNF. The committee’s push to impeach Biden’s DHS secretary involves his handling of the southern border, which has been the center of record illegal immigration under his watch.

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House GOP Probes Biden Administration’s Opening of Public Lands to Potential Foreign Ownership

Republicans on the House Natural Resources Committee have launched an investigation of the Biden Administration’s proposal to open public lands to private ownership, which includes the possibility of foreigners buying such land.

According to Fox News, the effort is being led by Chairman Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.), who informed the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the investigation’s launch. The proposed rule change from the SEC would allow for a new type of public company, referred to as Natural Asset Companies (NACs), to trade on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

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House GOP Moves to Hold Hunter Biden in Contempt

Hunter Biden

The House Oversight Committee announced Friday it will move next week to hold Hunter Biden in contempt Congress for refusing to submit to an interview under subpoena in his father’s impeachment inquiry. 

The committee’s move under Chairman James Comer sets up a high stakes showdown in the shadows of the 2024 election where Joe Biden is seeking re-election. 

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House GOP’s Majority to Shrink Further After Ohio Representative Announces Resignation

Bill Johnson

The Republican majority in the House of Representatives will decline to just two seats after the departure of Republican Rep. Bill Johnson of Ohio, whose resignation was announced on Tuesday.

House Republicans’ four-seat majority declined by two members over the month of December following the expulsion of George Santos and the resignation of former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy from the chamber. Johnson’s departure, which he announced in November, will bring the number of Republicans in the chamber to 219, which is just one member more than the 218 seats in a full House that a party needs for a majority.

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House GOP Leadership Pulls Both FISA Bills Following Backlash

House Republican leadership pulled two bills reforming the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act from the floor, as Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., faced backlash for allowing two bills to be introduced on the surveillance law.

Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., a member of the House Rules Committee, confirmed to the Washington Examiner late Monday evening that neither of the bills reforming Section 702 would come to the floor for a vote this week. 

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Analysis: Democratic Retirements Could Help the House GOP Grow Its Majority in 2024

House Republicans appear to be in a better position to capitalize off of a wave of congressional retirements, as there are more Democratic-held open seats in swing districts that pose an opportunity for the GOP to flip in 2024.

There are currently 31 House members who are not seeking another term in the lower chamber, including 20 Democrats and 11 Republicans — nearly all of whom hold seats that are considered safe for the GOP. Four Democratic-held open seats in battleground districts in Michigan, Virginia and California are most likely to flip red, while several other seats are also up for grabs by the GOP in 2024, according to political analysts and electoral rankings.

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White House Says Biden Will Veto House GOP’s Debt Limit Bill If It Passes

President Biden would veto the House GOP’s Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023 if it arrived at his desk, the White House Office of Management and Budget said Tuesday.

“The agency called the bill a “reckless attempt to extract extreme concessions as a condition for the United States simply paying the bills it has already incurred.”

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Commentary: House GOP Needs to Take the Road Show Home

The House Judiciary Committee held a raucous hearing in the Big Apple on Monday to discuss New York City’s rising crime problem. Republicans sought to highlight the poor performance of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who is refusing to prosecute various crimes as he instead pursues a criminal case against Donald Trump, and leaving a tide of victims in his wake.

It’s fine, and perhaps politically shrewd, for the GOP to shine a light on crime-enabling local prosecutors jeopardizing the safety of their cities in exchange for partisan witch-hunts. But for the next hearing, congressional Republicans need only walk a few blocks from their House offices to the office of Matthew Graves, the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia.

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House GOP Subpoenas Banks Seeking Biden Family Financial Records

The House Oversight Committee has issued subpoenas to multiple banks seeking financial records relating to the Biden family amid its investigation into the first family’s business dealings.

The committee has ordered that Bank of America, Cathay Bank, JPMorgan Chase, and HSBC USA N.A. provide them with the relevant information, Fox News confirmed. They also issued a subpoena to Hunter Biden associated Mervyn Yan.

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As House GOP Secures First Cooperation in Biden Probe, Pressure Grows for Damage Assessment

As House Republicans secure the first government cooperation for their probe of President Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents, pressure is building in national security circles to conduct a damage assessment that could determine if the storage of national secrets at insecure locations aided foreign powers. On Thursday, two prominent figures — a new member of the House Intelligence Committee and the FBI’s former intelligence chief — became the latest to add their voices to calls for a national security assessment of the five tranches of documents found at Biden’s Wilmington, Del., home and his old think tank office in Washington D.C. since November.

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House GOP Working on Bill to Ban TikTok Across Federal Government

The House Republican Conference is currently working on legislation that may ban the use of TikTok by federal government employees, the Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

“We’re working on something right now,” said a Republican aide familiar with the matter. The proposal is said to be proceeding through the Judiciary Committee, which is set to be led by Republican Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio in the next Congress when the GOP gains a majority.

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House GOP Set to Investigate PayPal for Its Plan to Fine Users for ‘Misinformation’

House Republicans are likely to launch an investigation of PayPal for a now-retracted policy that would fine users up to $2,500 for spreading “misinformation” or posting content that it deemed “objectionable,” per a letter sent to PayPal Tuesday.

The letter demanded that PayPal send House Republicans on the Energy and Commerce Committee and Financial Services Committee written answers to 15 questions about the circumstances surrounding the “Acceptable Use Policy,” which was published by PayPal on Oct. 8. The questions demand PayPal to name those who drafted the policy, who had the authority to approve it, and whether PayPal had coordinated with the Biden administration regarding it.

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House GOP: FBI Retaliating Against Whistleblowers and Conservative Agents

On Thursday, three Republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives claimed that the FBI has been actively retaliating against agents who are suspected of being whistleblowers, as well as those who hold conservative beliefs.

As The Daily Caller reports, a letter was sent to Jennifer Moore, Executive Assistant Director of the FBI’s Human Resource Branch, detailing these allegations. The letter was signed by three members of the House Judiciary Committee: Congressmen Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), and Mike Johnson (R-La.).

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House GOP Ready to Subpoena Hunter and James Biden, Force FBI to Address Integrity Issues

Two senior Republicans likely to chair House investigative committees next year if the GOP wins control of Congress say they are prepared to compel testimony from Hunter and James Biden about their overseas business deals and to use the power of the purse to force the FBI to address long-simmering questions about its integrity.

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