Commentary: Hunter in Jaws of Same Justice System President Biden Defended

President Biden stepped off Marine One, walked across the tarmac of the Delaware Air National Guard base, and embraced his son Hunter, a convicted felon.

Tuesday marks the first time in American history that a child of a sitting president was convicted of a crime. The news complicates life for Biden ahead of an election and sent the first family into a hasty and literal retreat. The president had been slated to remain at the White House. After the conviction, he traveled instead to his Wilmington estate.

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Biden Environmental Agenda Under Fire for Increasing Costs for Americans

President Joe Biden

The Biden administration’s energy policies are increasingly costly for Americans, a newly released report says.

U.S. House Oversight Committee Chair Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., released the report, which argues Biden’s energy policies have increased costs for Americans and hurt the economy.

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Lawmakers to Grill Biden’s Energy Secretary Over Energy Costs, Regulations

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm

Lawmakers will grill President Joe Biden’s Energy Secretary at a newly announced oversight hearing scheduled for Thursday.

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm is expected to face lawmakers for questions amid elevated gas prices, a depleted strategic petroleum reserve, and ongoing criticism of Biden’s energy policies.

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New Evidences Shows Monthly Payments to President Biden from Hunter Biden’s Business

House Oversight Committee Chair Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., released evidence Monday of regular monthly payments from one of Hunter Biden’s business entities to his father, President Joe Biden.

Comer released bank records obtained via subpoena that allegedly show direct monthly payments from one of Hunter Biden’s business entities, Owasco PC, which is also under investigation by the Department of Justice tax-related charges.

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Impeachment Inquiry Sharpens Focus on Millions in Loans to Biden Family

There are red flags aplenty: Loan repayments between Joe Biden and his brother; millions in promissory notes between Hunter Biden and a Democrat-donating Hollywood lawyer; and debt deals from Ukraine to China. 

As the House impeachment inquiry heats up, investigators are increasingly focused on a trail of red ink that has become a recurring theme in evidence chronicling the first family’s finances.

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Hunter Biden Got $250k Loan from Chinese Exec During 2020 Election, Later His Lawyer Assumed Debt

Hunter Biden received a $250,000 loan from a Chinese businessman just three months after his father launched his 2020 presidential campaign, and he later transferred the debt to a Hollywood lawyer he befriended, according to evidence gathered by federal and congressional investigators.

The House Oversight Committee first disclosed a few weeks ago that Hunter Biden had gotten a $250,000 wire in July 2019 and used his father’s address in Delaware for the transfer. It was one of the later known foreign payments that Hunter Biden received before he fell on hard times.

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Feds Thwarted Probe into Possible ‘Criminal Violations’ Involving 2020 Biden Campaign, Agents Say

The FBI and IRS probed allegations that Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign may have benefitted from “campaign finance criminal violations” by allowing a politically connected lawyer to help pay off Hunter Biden’s large tax debts but agents were blocked by federal prosecutors from further action, according to new information uncovered by congressional investigators.

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FBI Received Evidence from Second Informant in Biden Case but Shut Him Down, Ex-Agent Testifies

A retired FBI supervisor has revealed to Congress that the bureau’s Washington field office had a second “politically connected” informant providing information relevant to the Biden family investigation, but was asked to shut down the source in the fall of 2020 shortly before Joe Biden was elected president, Just the News has learned.

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As Biden Scandal Marches Toward Impeachment, What Obama Knew and When Looms Large

Tennessee Star

In the final days of the Obama presidency, trusted aide Valerie Jarrett made a boast that has aged like spoiled milk.

“The president prides himself on the fact that his administration hasn’t had a scandal and he hasn’t done something to embarrass himself,” Jarrett declared on national television.

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While Trump Faces Host of Charges, None Filed in Biden Special Counsel Probe on Classified Memos

While former President Donald Trump faces an array of federal charges in two separate cases as a result of Special Counsel Jack Smith’s investigation, no one has yet been charged in a separate special counsel probe of President Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents while he was vice president.

In January 2023, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Robert Hur special counsel to investigate the Biden case.

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Congress Investigating Allegation Border Patrol Official Retaliated Against After Testimony

Congressional investigating are probing whistleblower allegations that the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency may have retaliated against a top agency official after he testifying before lawmakers.

House Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., and Rep. Mark Green wrote in a letter Friday that they have been told by a whistleblower that El Centro Border Patrol Sector Chief Gregory Bovino was relieved of his command after he finished a transcribed interview with two congressional committees earlier this month.

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House Oversight Chair Comer Plans to Interview ‘Key Figures’ in ‘Biden Family Influence Peddling’ Investigation

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer says he plans on questioning “key figures” in his investigation into allegations that the Biden family was involved in bribery and influence peddling.

“We’re going to start bringing in key figures in the Biden family influence-peddling schemes for depositions, and I think we’re on the right track, even though we’re having to fight the FBI, fight the DOJ, fight the Democrats in Congress and fight the mainstream media,” Comer, a Kentucky Republican, said, Fox News reported Sunday.

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Biden Leaves Key Federal Watchdog Positions Vacant, Grabbing Attention of Congress

The Biden administration is garnering some negative attention from Congress for leaving  the chief taxpayer watchdog positions vacant at the Department of State, the Department of Treasury and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) addressed a letter to President Joe Biden seeking answers why the key  Inspectors General jobs are still open.

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FBI Harbored Biden Allegations Since 2017, Through Impeachment, Election, Lawmaker Says

If House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer’s sleuthing turns out to be right, the FBI harbored a deep, dark secret through the first Trump impeachment, the Hunter Biden laptop saga and the 2020 election fury. The secret: that a validated and well-paid informant raised concerns all the way back in 2017 that Joe Biden was involved in a $5 million bribery scheme involving Ukraine.

The question emerging now is did America’s most famous crime-fighting agency deep-six the allegation or dismiss it as “Russian disinformation” without thoroughly probing it.

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Commentary: The Lead Attorney Behind the January 6 Prosecutions

During the 2020 presidential election cycle, Matthew M. Graves donated $2,000 to the Biden-Harris campaign. The modest contribution was a no-brainer for Graves. Not only was he a domestic policy advisor for the campaign, he worked at the time for the same white-shoe law firm as Douglas Emhoff, Kamala Harris’ husband.

Graves’ kowtowing paid off. In November 2021, Graves took the helm of one of the most politically-charged U.S. attorneys office’s in the country: the District of Columbia. 

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House Probe Unveils Fresh Evidence Contradicting Joe Biden Claims About Family’s Foreign Deals

The House Oversight and Accountability Committee on Wednesday directly challenged President Joe Biden’s claims about his family’s overseas business deals, providing fresh evidence his son Hunter got money directly from China, was involved in a business deal with a Romanian figure accused of corruption and helped arrange for one of his foreign business associates to meet with his father’s vice presidential office.

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Congressional Probe Uncovers Tie Between Biden Campaign, Security Letter Dismissing Hunter Laptop

Aided by two Obama-era witnesses, congressional investigators led by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan have developed the first evidence that a letter from security experts that falsely dismissed the Hunter Biden laptop as Russian disinformation during the 2020 election had ties to Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.

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Republican Candidates Vie to Challenge Kentucky Gov. Beshear

Republicans have the opportunity to take back the Kentucky governor’s mansion from Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear – who narrowly won in 2019 – in November, and numerous GOP contenders are itching for the nomination.

Beshear is running for his second term in 2023 in a state with a Republican supermajority in the legislature. Though 12 Republicans are running in the May 16 GOP primary, there are three clear frontrunners whose campaigns will largely hinge on issues such as education and crime while also targeting Beshear’s record on COVID-19, they told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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‘Getting Very Close to Joe Biden’: Congress Probes Dozen Bank Accounts that Enriched First Family

Congressional investigators have identified a labyrinth of at least a dozen bank accounts that were used to funnel money from foreign sources to Joe Biden’s family and uncovered the first evidence that some funds went to benefit the future president, the chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee has disclosed.

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House Oversight Chairman Demands Visitor logs to Biden Home, White House Says There Aren’t Any

The chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee is pressing President Joe Biden to release visitor logs to his Delaware home where classified documents were found while accusing the National Archives of stonewalling his investigation.

“The Archives isn’t being transparent with the American people, ” Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., tweeted late Sunday.

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Republicans’ Chief House Investigator Vows to Take On Bureaucracy, Starting with Vaccine Royalties

The congressman who would lead the most powerful investigative committee in the House if Republicans win the midterms is sending an unmistakable advance warning to the permanent federal bureaucracy: It’s time to “get rid of some of these useless bureaucrats who are just a drain on the American taxpayer.”

Rep. James Comer of Kentucky, the ranking Republicans on the House Oversight Committee, told Just the News on Thursday evening his top three investigative priorities include Biden family corruption, the insecure southern border and the origins and handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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House Republicans Request Government Watchdog Investigate Foreign Investments in American Farmland

More than 100 House Republicans are asking a government watchdog to probe foreign investments in U.S. farmland, including those by China, which they say may present national and food security concerns.

Led by Reps. Glenn Thompson of Pennsylvania and James Comer of Kentucky, the lawmakers on Saturday called on the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to study foreign farmland ownership and how the U.S. government is monitoring acquisitions, a letter shows. There has been an uptick in foreign investments and ownership, which may be “underreported” due to the U.S. Agriculture Department’s (USDA) unreliable data, the Republicans say.

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Biden Administration Is Withholding Hunter Biden Documents, Oversight Republican Says

Ranking Member of the House Oversight Committee Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., sent a letter to U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen this week alleging that the federal agency is withholding documents that detail the foreign transactions conducted by the president’s son, Hunter Biden.

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