Biden’s Signature Bills are Pumping Billions into Swing States as 2024 Elections Draw Near

President Joe Biden

President Joe Biden’s signature pieces of legislation are routing billions of dollars into swing states, but pundits are not convinced that the money will make much difference in November’s elections.

The bipartisan infrastructure law of 2021, the CHIPS Act and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) have cumulatively routed billions of dollars to battleground states over the course of Biden’s first term. The Biden campaign is running swing state ads to promote the funding and projects that Biden’s legislative agenda has created, but state and national pundits told the Daily Caller News Foundation that the benefits are unlikely to be a decisive factor in states like Arizona, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

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Trump Leads Biden in Seven Swing States Including Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona: Poll

Trump Biden

Former President Donald Trump has now pulled ahead of President Joe Biden in seven battleground states, including Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona, according to polling released Tuesday.

Pollsters found Trump beat Biden by two percent in Pennsylvania, with the former president garnering the support of 47 percent of those polled compared to Biden’s 45 percent. Eight percent of Pennsylvania respondents told pollsters they are undecided.

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Commentary: Senate Must Let House Make Its Case in Impeachment Trial of Mayorkas

Alejandro Mayorkas

A grave injustice may be about to take place in the Senate–and only public pressure can prevent it.

I write of the upcoming impeachment trial of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who was impeached by the House on February 13 on two counts: that he failed to comply with the law and that he lied to Congress about the results of his failure to comply with the law.

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