Wisconsin Supreme Court to Hear Challenges to Wisconsin Abortion Law

Jill Karofsky

The Wisconsin Supreme Court is going to decide on abortion.

The court said it will hear two challenges to Wisconsin’s 1849 abortion law, without waiting for lower courts in the state to rule on them first.

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Unanimous Wisconsin Supreme Court Rejects Racine Mobile Voting Van and Keep Polling Places

Voting Station

Conservatives on the Wisconsin Supreme Court say the order that bans Racine County’s mobile voting van but keeps the city’s Democrat-heavy other polling locations is nonsensical.

The liberal-majority court unanimously ruled that Racine, and other cities in Wisconsin, cannot use vans to collect ballots.

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Major Shift in State Supreme Court Could Allow Unions to Wreak Havoc on Wisconsin’s Budget Once Again, Experts Say

Wisconsin Capitol Protest Union

A legal challenge could upend a long-standing Wisconsin law that has successfully balanced the budget at the expense of curbing public unions in the state, experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Lawmakers passed the Wisconsin Budget Repair Bill, also known as Act 10, in 2011 in an effort to reduce the state’s budget deficit primarily by limiting the power of public unions to demand higher compensation and benefits that had come to be a drag on the state’s finances. A coalition of unions had their chance to argue starting on Tuesday to a Wisconsin judge that the law was unconstitutional, despite previous legal objections and the law’s success at solving key budgetary issues that had previously plagued the state, emboldened by a new liberal majority on the court that threatens to repeal the law, according to experts who spoke to the DCNF.

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Wisconsin Supreme Court Might Overturn Ballot Drop Box Ban

Ballot Drop Box

The liberal-leaning Wisconsin Supreme Court appears ready to overturn a ruling that banned the use of ballot drop boxes, which became a source of controversy during the 2020 election cycle.

Wisconsin is considered a battleground state. The latest polls show a close race in the state between former President Trump and President Biden.

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RNC, Wisconsin GOP, RITE PAC Fight Lawsuit Aimed at Legalizing Ballot Drop Boxes in State

ballot dropbox

“The rule of law should not be undermined by Democrats attempting to overrule a case which was decided just two years ago,” RNC Chairman Michael Whatley said.

The Republican National Committee, the Republican Party of Wisconsin, and RITE PAC are fighting a lawsuit seeking to legalize ballot drop boxes in Wisconsin.

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Wisconsin Democrat Leadership Continues Drop Box Push

Josh Kaul

Wisconsin’s Democrat leadership continued its push for drop boxes as Attorney General Josh Kaul filed a response brief with the Wisconsin Supreme Court to allow them.

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers filed a brief in early April looking overturn a ruling from 2022 that said ballot drop boxes are not allowed under state law.

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Wisconsin’s Largest Business Group Sues over Evers’ 400-Year School Funding Veto

Tony Evers

There is now a legal challenge to Gov. Tony Evers’ 400-year school funding veto.

The WMC Litigation Center on Monday asked the Wisconsin Supreme Court to take up their challenge to the governor’s summer veto that increased per-pupil funding for the next four centuries.

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Wisconsin Supreme Court Experts Reject Republican, Democratic Maps

Experts hired by Wisconsin’s supreme court to redraw the state’s political maps say there won’t be anymore Republican gerrymandering.

The court’s outside experts rejected maps drawn by Republican lawmakers and the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty. The experts said both maps continued to gerrymander the state for Republicans.

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Wisconsin Supreme Court Rejects Remap Reconsideration

Wisconsin’s Supreme Court will not reconsider its ruling that tossed out the state’s political maps.

The new liberal-majority court ruled 4-3 against a request from Republican lawmakers to listen to arguments again.

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Wisconsin Supreme Court Orders Redrawing of State Legislative Maps

The Wisconsin Supreme Court on Friday rejected the Republican-drawn legislative district maps and demanded that the creation of new electoral lines ahead of the 2024 contests.

The left-leaning court ruled 4-3 in ordering the new maps, which Democrats had sought to overturn over claims of gerrymandering, according to the Associated Press. The maps included non-contiguous districts.

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Republicans and Democrats React to Wisconsin Supreme Court Redistricting Hearing

There are no surprises among the reactions to the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s questions about drawing new political maps in the state.

A number of lawmakers and advocacy groups weighed in after the high court Tuesday heard arguments to redraw the state’s legislative maps.

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End Sought to Litigation of Wisconsin School Choice, School Voucher

Teacher and Students

Litigation of school choice and school vouchers in Wisconsin Supreme Court should end, the Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce said on Wednesday.

The state’s largest business group filed an amicus brief with the court. It asks justices to reject the lawsuit that seeks to end school choice and school vouchers.

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Wisconsin Democrats, Groups Applaud Protasiewicz Decision to Stay on Election Map Cases

The showdown over Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Janet Protasiewicz and the state’s redistricting process continues after Protasiewicz announced she would not recuse herself from two challenges to Wisconsin’s electoral maps.

“I will set aside my opinions and decide cases based on the law. There will surely be many cases in which I reach results that I personally dislike. That is what it means to be a judge,” she said in a statement.

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Wisconsin Republican Lawmakers Propose Resolution Seeking to Impeach Fired State Elections Administrator

Five Republican state representatives are seeking co-sponsorship on resolution to impeach embattled Wisconsin Elections Commission Administrator Meagan Wolfe, who was recently fired by the GOP-controlled state Senate but refuses to leave the post.

“Administrator Meagan Wolfe’s impeachment is warranted due to her maladministration during her tenure as the Administrator of the Wisconsin Elections Commission, as evidenced by the 15 issues outlined in the attached resolution,” states the co-sponsorship memo sent to Assembly members on Thursday.

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Wisconsin State Senator: Left-Wing Activists Seek to Disenfranchise 1 Million-Plus Voters

While Democrats routinely accuse election integrity advocates of disenfranchising voters, leftist lawfare practitioners in the battleground Badger State could disenfranchise more than a million voters, according to state Senator Duey Stroebel.

The Saukville Republican calls it a “preposterous attack on democracy.”

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GOP Lawmakers Talk Impeachment of New Wisconsin Supreme Court

Two Republican state senators are talking about impeachment of Wisconsin’s new liberal-majority Supreme Court.

Sen. Dan Knodl, R-Germantown, said he’s willing to consider impeaching Justice Janet Protasiewicz because of what she said about the state’s political maps during her run for the Supreme Court in the spring.

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‘Hostile Takeover’: Wisconsin Supreme Court Chief Justice Accuses Liberal Majority of Staging a ‘Coup’

Wisconsin Supreme Court Chief Justice Annette Ziegler accused the court’s liberal majority of staging a “coup,” according to emails obtained by The Associated Press.

After gaining a majority August 1 for the first time in 15 years, liberal justices quickly moved to fire state court director Randy Koschnick, drawing immediate backlash, and create a committee responsible for many of the tasks that the chief justice has typically handled, the AP reported. Ziegler wrote in two emails obtained by the AP that the majority’s actions were illegal and amounted to “nothing short of an unprecedented coup.”

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Critics Question Wisconsin Redistricting Lawsuit’s Request for New Senate Elections

Critics of a recent lawsuit filed to force new representative maps believe forcing the 17 state senators elected by using those maps to run again is going too far.

The suit filed last week with the Wisconsin Supreme Court asks the court to not only draw new maps for the 2024 election, but also have those 17 state senators elected last year to run again next year.

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RNC, Republican Party of Wisconsin Seek to Intervene in Leftist-Led Lawsuit on Illegal Absentee Ballot Drop Boxes

The Republican National Committee and Republican Party of Wisconsin have filed a motion to intervene in Priorities USA v. Wisconsin Elections Commission, an election lawsuit filed in the Badger State by attorney Marc Elias, known as the fixer for the Democratic Party and its politicians.

The original suit, filed in Dane County Circuit Court by the Elias Law Group in July, demands Wisconsin voters be once again allowed to return absentee ballots in drop boxes.

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Hillary Clinton’s Political Fixer Leads Legal Effort to Restore Drop Boxes in Wisconsin

The liberal D.C. law firm behind a legal challenge to the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s ruling striking down the use of absentee ballot drop boxes in the Badger State was founded by Hillary Clinton’s political fixer, the man who helped bankroll the infamous — and bogus — Trump-Russia dossier.

Marc Elias and his Elias Law Group filed a lawsuit last week in the liberal Dane County Circuit Court demanding the return of the widespread use of unsecured drop boxes, just as the Wisconsin’s high court is about to be led by liberals for the first time in a long time.

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Wisconsin Supreme Court Chief Justice Blasts Liberal Majority’s ‘Secret Discussions’ to Fire Conservative Director

Wisconsin Supreme Court Chief Justice Annette Ziegler criticized the newly sworn-in liberal majority Wednesday after they fired the court’s longtime director, according to a statement.

Justice Janet Protasiewicz was sworn in Tuesday to replace retiring conservative Justice Pat Roggensack and create a liberal majority on the court for the first time in 15 years, and immediately fired Director of the State Courts Randy Koschnick, who ran for a seat on the court in 2009 with the support of many conservatives. Ziegler released a scathing statement Wednesday, condemning her “colleagues’ reckless conduct” and “unauthorized action.”

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Wisconsin Supreme Court Flips to Liberal Control for the First Time in 15 Years

Democrat Janet Protasiewicz was sworn into the Wisconsin Supreme Court, flipping the body to liberal control after having a conservative majority for the past 15 years. 

Protasiewicz, a former Milwaukee County judge who won her election in April, was sworn in Tuesday to a 10-year term in the Wisconsin Capitol Rotunda. 

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Democratic Law Firm Argues Mail Boxes ‘Unsecure’ for Voting, in Wisconsin Suit Pushing for Ballot Drop Boxes

In a lawsuit to overturn a Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling that concluded ballot drop boxes are illegal, a Democratic election law firm is now arguing that U.S. Postal Service mailboxes are in fact “unsecured.”

The state’s high court ruled last year, in a 4-3 decision, the Wisconsin Elections Commission was not authorized to allow the use of the such boxes, as alternative balloting, during the 2020 presidential election.

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Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos Calls Governor Tony Evers a ‘Liar’, Expects Evers’ Partial Vetoes to be Challenged in Court

Democrat Governor Tony Evers’ “creative” partial veto that boosts public education spending for the next four centuries “proves he’s a liar,” Assembly Speaker Robin Vos said during a Sunday morning interview. 

The Rochester Republican said the governor’s “unprecedented” veto trick leaves Republicans — and taxpayers who would be on the hook for 400-plus years of spending increases —  with “little option” but to take the governor to court. 

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Wisconsin Elections Commissioner Ann Jacobs Defends Strategy in Wolfe/Senate Split

One of the Democratic members of the Wisconsin Elections Commission is calling a possible Senate vote on the state’s election administrator a “sideshow.”

Commissioner Ann Jacobs was on UPFRONT over the weekend, where she said there’s no reason for the Senate to vote on Meagan Wolfe’s job with the Commission.

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Former Assembly Elections Committee Chair Urges ‘No’ Vote on Controversial Wisconsin Elections Commission Administrator

State Representative Janel Brandtjen (R-Menomonee Falls) is urging the Wisconsin Elections Commission to fire Meagan Wolfe, WEC’s controversial administrator.

The commission meets at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday to take up Wolfe’s re-appointment to a four-year term. Her current term ends Friday. 

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Wisconsin Lawmaker Flags Payments Used to Mobilize Voters for Liberal Judge

A Wisconsin lawmaker is questioning whether it was legal for a political action committee to pay people to encourage others to vote for liberal Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge Janet Protasiewicz in the state Supreme Court election in the latest mobilization tactic to raise integrity concerns in the battleground state.

Wisconsin Takes Action, a project of Organizing Empowerment PAC, held live Zoom training sessions during the Wisconsin Supreme Court race, instructing potential “community mobilizers” on how to reach out to people to encourage them to vote and get paid hundreds of dollars for their outreach efforts.

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Wisconsin’s Pro-Life Movement Regroups After Tuesday’s Devastating Supreme Court Loss

Julaine Appling rejoiced in June when the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, a decision she had been praying for a long time. The victory for the unborn in Wisconsin, though, looks to be short-lived.

Appling, president of pro-life Wisconsin Family Action, says the shifting of power from right to left on Wisconsin’s Supreme Court will put life — and liberty — in peril in the Badger State. 

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Far-Left Candidate Janet Protasiewicz Wins Wisconsin Supreme Court Election, Liberals Gain Control

In a nationally watched state Supreme Court race dominated by abortion, bruising campaign attacks and money (lots of money), liberal Milwaukee County Judge Janet Protasiewicz easily defeated conservative Daniel Kelly in Tuesday’s spring election, handing liberals control of Wisconsin’s high court for the first time in more than 15 years. 

The election seemed over before the shouting. Less than an hour after Wisconsin’s polls closed at 8 p.m. Tuesday, the Associated Press called the contest. At that time, Protasiewicz led by double digits over Kelly, a former Supreme Court justice who lost his seat three years ago to far left jurist Jill Karofsky. 

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Wisconsin Supreme Court Candidate Daniel Kelly Makes Statewide ‘Save the Court’ Tour in Closing Days of Campaign

As he lags in campaign donations and — sources say — in internal polls, conservative Supreme Court candidate Daniel Kelly is making a final campaign blitz before Tuesday’s crucial election.

Kelly’s  four-day “Save the Court” statewide tour begins Friday in Watertown and wraps up Monday in Waukesha. In between, he’ll be making some two-dozen stops across the Badger State. 

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One Week Before Wisconsin’s Pivotal Supreme Court Election, Candidates Make Closing Arguments

With just one week before Wisconsin’s spring election, it’s all hands on deck in the bruising battle for control of the Badger State’s high court. 

Conservative former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Daniel Kelly and liberal Milwaukee County Judge Janet Protasiewicz are making their closing arguments before Tuesday’s pivotal election — the brunt of the statements being made through expensive and negative ads blanketing Wisconsin’s TV markets. 

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Liberal Wisconsin Supreme Court Judge Janet Protasiewicz’s Questionable ‘Friends’ the Liberal Media Seem to Have Forgotten About

The liberal media are hitting Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate Daniel Kelly hard for campaigning with a conservative activist who was “on the grounds” of the U.S. Capitol during the January 6, 2021 riots. But Kelly’s opponent, far left Milwaukee County Judge Janet Protasiewicz, has some interesting “friends” of her own. 

Protasiewicz was photographed smiling next to Brett Blomme, the former Milwaukee County Children’s Court judge now serving nine years in prison for distributing child pornography. 

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Sparks Fly at Only Debate Before Wisconsin Supreme Court Election

Two weeks to the day before a crucial election to decide whether conservatives or liberals control Wisconsin’s Supreme Court, the two candidates sparred in the only debate before Election Day.

The face-off Tuesday between far-left Milwaukee County Judge Janet Protasiewicz and conservative former state Supreme Court Justice Daniel Kelly quickly took on the feel of bitter divorce proceedings — packed with allegations of corruption, scandals, and lies.

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Human Rights Campaign Endorses Liberal Wisconsin Supreme Court Candidate Despite Allegations of Human Rights Abuses

Far left Wisconsin Supreme Court Candidate Janet Protasiewicz wears the “progressive label” as a badge of honor, including her endorsement by the left-wing Human Rights Campaign PAC. 

But reports that the Milwaukee County judge repeatedly abused her late elderly ex-husband when the couple were married 25 years ago and used the N word to refer to black people in children’s court would seem to tarnish Protasiewicz’s human rights halo. 

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Left-Wing Wisconsin Supreme Court Candidate Janet Protasiewicz Skips Another Debate

Another candidate forum, another no-show for Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate Janet Protasiewicz. 

The far left Milwaukee County Judge was apparently too busy to attend Tuesday’s Milwaukee Press Club Newsmaker Luncheon, as she was for last week’s American Constitution Society debate. 

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Far-Left Wisconsin Supreme Court Candidate Janet Protasiewicz Gives Probation to Man Who Sexually Assaulted 15-Year-Old

Liberal Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate Janet Protasiewicz issued another get-out-of-jail-free card to a man who sexually assaulted a child. 

It’s a recurring theme in the case files of the Milwaukee County judge who says she proudly wears the progressive label. 

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Mainstream Media Figures Out Liberal Wisconsin Supreme Court Candidate Janet Protasiewicz Is Dodging Debates

Less than a month from the election, liberal Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate Janet Protasiewicz is hiding, Republicans insist. 

It’s gotten so bad the mainstream media is starting to cover Protasiewicz’s absence. 

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Liberal Supreme Court Candidate Janet Protasiewicz Ditches Debate Sponsored by Liberal Group

Supreme Court candidate Janet Protasiewicz will be a no-show for a key debate Tuesday sponsored by the liberal American Constitution Society. Now, according to the Russ-Feingold-led ACS, the debate is off, The Wisconsin Daily Star has learned The campaign for conservative candidate Daniel Kelly told the group that he would still attend the event — originally scheduled for noon Tuesday in Milwaukee — with or without his opponent. The Constitution Society said thanks, but no thanks. They are canceling the debate.

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Wisconsin GOP Files Complaint Against Liberal Group Accused of Election Bribery in Pivotal Supreme Court Race

The Republican Party of Wisconsin has filed a complaint against a liberal group accused of election bribery in a get-out-the-vote scheme to elect liberal Milwaukee County Judge Janet Protasiewicz to the Wisconsin Supreme Court. The GOP’s complaint, however, alleges Wisconsin Takes Action and Organizing Empowerment PAC failed to file as a political action committee in the the state of Wisconsin, a violation of campaign finance law.

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State Representative: Liberal Wisconsin Group Accused of Election Bribery May Face Legal Action

State Representative Janel Brandtjen (R-Menomonee Falls) on Wednesday said a leftist nonprofit could face legal action for its alleged election bribery in favor of state Supreme Court candidate Janet Protasiewicz. 

Brandtjen, who recently chaired the state Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections, told The Wisconsin Daily Star she believes discussions toward that end are underway though no complaints against Wisconsin Takes Action have yet been filed at this writing.

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Abortion Interests Clamor for Protasiewicz for Wisconsin Court Seat

Wisconsin abortion advocates are following up Tuesday’s nomination of liberal Milwaukee County Judge Janet Protasiewicz for Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice with strident calls for her election over conservative former Justice Daniel Kelly. 

Protasiewicz and Kelly beat right-leaning Waukesha County Judge Jennifer Dorow and progressive Judge Everett Mitchell of Dane County in Tuesday’s four-way nonpartisan primary. The following day, Dorow endorsed Kelly and Mitchell stated his support for Protasiewicz going forward. 

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Wisconsin GOP Launches Website Against Liberal Supreme Court Candidate Janet Protasiewicz

The Republican Party of Wisconsin launched a new website this week targeting liberal Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate Judge Janet Protasiewicz’s judicial record. The Wisconsin GOP has described Protasiewicz as ” soft-on-crime ” regarding her “dangerous” record.

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Conservatives Have Their Work Cut Out for Themselves in Wisconsin Supreme Court Election

Supreme Court Justice candidate Daniel Kelly emerged victorious from Tuesday’s primary election, but the conservative finished a distant second to his opponent, far left Milwaukee County Judge Janet Protasiewicz. 

While Kelly and fellow conservative candidate, Waukesha County Judge Jennifer Dorow, divided up the right side vote (24 percent and 22 percent, respectively),  Protasiewicz grabbed 46.5 percent on her own. 

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Liberal Protasiewicz and Conservative Kelly to Face Off in Election to Decide Control of Wisconsin Supreme Court

The candidates in the election to decide ideological control of the Wisconsin Supreme Court are set, as liberal Milwaukee County Judge Janet Protasiewicz and former Supreme Court Justice Daniel Kelly, a conservative, advanced in Tuesday’s primary election.

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Out-of-State Big Liberal Money Looks to Buy Wisconsin Supreme Court Candidate Janet Protasiewicz an Election

Liberal Milwaukee County Judge Janet Protasiewicz, one of four candidates vying for a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court, has taken in nearly $2.2 million in campaign donations — much of it from big money, left-wing interests, according to a review of campaign finance statements. 

Wisconsin voters head to the polls today in a primary election to winnow down to two the field of four — two liberals, two conservatives — for an ultimate showdown in April.

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Big Labor Growing Bolder in Badger State with Potential for Liberal Majority on the Wisconsin Supreme Court

A longtime Wisconsin factory worker charges the United Steelworkers threatened to have her fired for seeking to leave the union.  

It’s another brazen act by Badger State Big Labor, emboldened by a union-friendly governor and the prospects of the state Supreme Court taking a left turn, a worker’s freedom advocate tells The Wisconsin Daily Star. 

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Liberal Wisconsin Supreme Court Judge Faces Judicial Conduct Complaint

A Wisconsin resident has filed an ethics complaint with the Wisconsin Judicial Commission alleging Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice candidate Janet Protasiewicz violated the state Code of Judicial Conduct.

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